Welcome to Daisy Sage Says

Welcome to Daisy Sage Says.

If you’re anything like me, it’s happened to you on occasions too numerous to count: you’re at a party or some social event tossing down the free cocktails, and someone says to you, “Say, you have the fresh, unique point of view that the masses are simply panting to hear.  Have you ever considered starting an anonymous  blog under the identity of a character from a relatively obscure 1930s film?”

Actually that’s never happened to me.  Maybe it was all that free booze talking.  However I’m sure I’ve been at parties where people start telling me absolutely everything about their blogs.  Really, everything.  During such times, as I’ve attempted to appear interested, and simultaneously undressed  with my eyes a new  tray of fried shrimp coming out of the kitchen, I probably thought, “Yeah? I’ve got opinions too, pal.”  Which is practically the same thing as what I thought happened, right?

At any rate, I’ve been writing comments and some online articles under the Daisy Sage moniker for a while now, and I thought I might push the boat out a bit here, as it were. I’d just like to thank Botswana Meat Commission, the fearless leader and founder of the website  Crasstalk,  for publishing some of articles I either wrote or co-wrote on Crass.

You can read them here: Why We Can’t Dress Ourselves,  (  an entertaining rant about trying to find cute clothes larger than size 2 on a working person’s budget.  Also, about getting  trapped in a dress in the H&M try on room. ) Clark Gable Takes His Shirt Off For You: Fun With Movies of the 1930s and 40s ( an introduction to some great movies of that era, and links to some free movie downloads ).  And here’s one I’m particularly proud of:   Unsung Country Funk Soul Genius: The Back Story on Singer Songwriter Jim Ford

I would also like to give a special shout out to some of the moderators of Crasstalk who work for free to keep things going smoothly at that site, and add so much to it with their sparkling personalities: Dancing Queen, BooBoo Kitteh, Dogs of War, and the ever popular The Grand Inquisitor.  They have also been known to help a new blogger such as myself figure out the little idiosyncrasies of Word Press in addition to their other duties. ( If I left anyone out please forgive me. Just let me know with a guilt inducing message, and I will retroactively thank you here.)

And so we begin.

Like what you read?  Wit and wisdom doesn’t grow on trees, pal.

Seriously,  any and all love offerings to help Daisy Sage get through the next great financial inconvenience since her bohemian days in 1931 are deeply and sincerely appreciated.


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2 responses to “Welcome to Daisy Sage Says

  1. I’m ever popular? Really? I feel kind of special. Good luck and good advising DS.

  2. Don’t be coy. You know you sit at the cool table in the cafeteria.
    Thanks for the good wishes, GI 🙂

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