What is Your Stuff Really Worth?

The bargain of a lifetime, I'm sure.

“Have you noticed that their stuff is shit, and your shit is stuff?” – George Carlin

This is yet another article inspired by random things my neighbors happen to leave outside their homes.

I took this photo the other day while on a stroll in my general environs.  Here are the thoughts I had upon viewing this item, in the order that they occurred.

a) Oh yeah, sure it still works.

b) Trusting, aren’t we?  You leave a supposedly perfectly functional air conditioner out on the curb, with a sign stating your price. You presume that no one driving by will just snap that sucker up, without knocking on your door to hand you your much deserved $75.  Have you people never heard of Craigslist for crying out loud?

c) Dang. My own, older air conditioner is at this moment currently in the shop for repairs, and it’s going to cost like $40 more than that.


d) You know, even if it worked better, and was cheaper, I wouldn’t want some stranger’s old air conditioner in my home.  I want my own old air conditioner at home.

We mocked that woman on the Real Utterly in Denial Housewives of New Jersey because she wouldn’t live in a previously  owned house because “other people’s houses are gross”. Obviously this is taking the concept to a ridiculous extreme.

But where do you draw the line?  Lots of us rightfully enjoy scoring a great looking piece of vintage clothing, but what about vintage shoes?  Would a quick spray of Lysol in the interior make you rest easy that they are free of “other people’s cooties”? You don’t see a lot of  gently used vintage socks for sale.

Why is it that we can’t be objective about our stuff once we’ve had it for a while?

Does this  lack of objectivity extend to people too?  I’m thinking of one time where I was talking to a man at a social occasion,just talking. And his wife or significant other comes over, and throws herself all over the guy and stares daggers at me, obviously concerned that I’m up to no good.  Meanwhile I’m thinking “Wait, what?  There was not even a hint of flirting going on.  From either side.  I do not even find this person attractive.”

I guess she just thought her stuff was the shit.


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2 responses to “What is Your Stuff Really Worth?

  1. This story reminds me of a joke I once heard… Well, I think it was a joke; could have been a true story.

    A couple redecorates their kitchen; the wife tells the husband to take the old refrigerator to the dump. He says, “But there is nothing wrong with it, other than the ugly pee green color.” He puts it out on the lawn with a sign in it that says, “FREE”. It sits on the lawn for a week. The man adds, “Works great!” to the sign. It sits on the lawn for another week.

    The wife in her disgust rips the sign off and puts a new sign on it. The next morning it was gone. The man asked, “What did your sign say?”

    She tells him, “$200 Or best offer.” She sighs heavily, “It was stolen during the night.”

  2. Ha! I never heard that joke. But maybe the owners of the air conditioner had the same thing in mind.

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